紙本+全文電子書(Enhanced Activate eBook)
Perfect for residents and fellows to use during rotations, or as a quick review for practicing radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians, Nuclear Medicine: The Essentials is a complete, concise overview of the most important knowledge in this challenging and evolving field. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with board-style questions that help you focus your learning. A self-assessment examination in print and additional self-assessment material online test your mastery of the content and prepare you for exams.
- Follows the proven Essentials series format to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of clinical nuclear medicine.
- Features image-rich, case-based multiple-choice questions with answers and explanations that mimic what you’re likely to see on exams.
- Covers all relevant imaging modalities, including hybrid imaging systems such as SPECT/CT, PET/CT, and PET/MRI, as well as targeted radionuclide therapy, theranostics, and translational molecular imaging as it relates to nuclear medicine in adults and children.
- Puts indispensable information at your fingertips in a compact and practical, high-yield format.
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- Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.