紙本+全文電子書(Enhanced Activate eBook)
Based on the highly-regardedWalls Manual of Emergency Airway Managementand part of theManual of Emergency Medicineseries envisioned by leading authority in emergency medicine, Dr. Ron M. Walls,Manual of Neurologic Emergenciesprovides evidence-based, easy-to-read coverage on the diagnosis and management of neurologic emergencies. Through the direction and expertise of editors Drs. Andy S. Jagoda and Christopher A. Lewandowski, this reference is a practical guide to approaching the patient with a neurologic complaint in a systematic way, providing a hands-on framework for clinical decision making and therapeutic interventions.
- Walks you through all aspects of diagnosis and management, including a rapid diagnosis and directed approach which are especially critical to optimal outcomes.
- Reviews neuroanatomy, performing a history, selecting appropriate imaging, and structuring/modifying the physical exam for the needs of the individual patient.
- Provides helpful information such as pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, evidence-based analysis of the literature, best practice recommendations, and treatment algorithms for a wide range of clinical presentations.
- Covers altered consciousness and behavior, neuromuscular disorders, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, dizziness and vertigo, head trauma, acute stroke, headache, seizures, central nervous system infections, and more.
- Facilitates best practices and promotes communication across all specialties, whether in the emergency department, ICU, urgent care setting, pre-hospital environment, or anywhere else neurologic emergencies may occur.
- Shares the experience as well as extensive knowledge the editors and authors have with neurologic emergencies.
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